Hei, hello readers :D hehe udah lama banget ya gue ngga nge post, kalo difikir-fikir blog gue udah ngebul, debu dimana-mana dan blablabla udah ah langsung ke inti aja. lihat gambar diatas!! udah dilihat belum? gimana gue cantik kan? eh bukaan, *salahfocus* maksudnya cowo disebelah gue, cakepkan? maniskan? sayang ya kependekan huhu :p tapi maco dong, fans nya aja dimana -mana. udah pada tau belum dia siapa? jreeeeng jreeeeng. belum yaaa? yuk gue kenalin dulu, soalnya doi lagi izin ke kamar mandi. Ini untuk yg kedua kalinya gue memperkenalkan salah satu dari milyaran temen gue dibumi ibu pertiwi ini, setelah postingan chapter pertama temen gue indra yusuf purnama yg sekarang pindah ke planet PBI, pada ngga tau PBI ya? Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris men hehe, lah ko malah lari ke indra ucup -__- yuk ah langsung aja, kenalin nama temen gue yang disebelah HH, tutup mulut ya kalo mau ngucap. HH alias Herdi Herdiansyah, dia sahabat gue yg paling baiiiiiiiik banget, hobbynya makan, anaknya usil banget dan belakangan ini dia punya hobby baru yaitu menggigit, aseli tangan gue udah jd korban nyata dari hasil gigitannya. katanya sih dia lagi proses belajar buat jadi GGS, diih amit-amit wkwkwk, udah ah segitu dulu ya besok gue postingan bio lanjutannya sahabat gue herdi, deuh elah herdi udah kaya artis aja. Tapi ya ngga papasih herdikan banyak fansnya, maklum tukang PHP ke cewe2. upps sorry becanda :D. selain ini. gue punya beberapa karya puisi herdi, kalo anak2 sastra masih gunain bahasa indonesia, temen gue herdi udah make bahasa inggris, yakali ini modus kalo ada yg baca " aa aku ngga ngerti, artiin puisinya dong'' hih-____- engga gue bercanda, maapin her kalo lu lg ngebeca ini :P tapi gue proud deh puisinya bagus kebanyakan ttg kekaguman dia ama seorang gadis, buat cewe2 yg lagi deket ama herdi mungkin kalian salah satu yg ada di dalam puisi ini. cieeee hmmm iya begitu.
Love and Quarrel
We fight to the last breath
We run to the final destination
We struggle to the limit
We love to the end of life
We may not an artist but we all have
beauty inside
We may not a judge but we all have
decision of ourself
We may not a police but we all have
duty to protect
We may not a slave but we all suffer
in a cage
We are yin and yang
We are fact and fiction
We are shadow and light
We are love and quarrel
Like a
Sunshine in the bright morning
spread spirit and warmness
the lazy boy up
To do
his activities…
Well if
someone ask me who are you?
the sense of my life
One of
most Important element of me
as a breathe…
wondering what would I be if there's no You
I'll be
weak as a white paper
I'll be
sad as a dark night
I'll be
scared as a lonely child…
my sunshine
may talking about you
But no
one knows you better than me
I'm the
one who always look up to you…
What a
beautiful smile that you have in your lips
smile that reminds me of an angel in paradise
me by your beauty
I just
can't live without you in my life…
By : -HH-
An Angel Without Wings
09 Februari 2014
as blue night
As cold
as breaking ice
as wonderful magic
Nice as
beautiful angel
the angel without wings…
emotion shows an anger
heart as diamond
fight for yourself
All you
give is cute smile…
in the rain
Show me
that tear not bad as it look
may be end today, but
will not end tomorrow…
Love is mystery
can't just answer with promise
even a gold rings
will not give love to one…
By : -HH-
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