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My weekly Journal " Critical Reading"

First Meeting
                Today is First meeting in course Critical Reading, I’am so glad because the lecture is Mom Deuis.  There is no Introduction like Chapter 2 , because all student have know about her.  After that, the Lecture explain about critical reading, What is critical reading? And some reason comes to answer the question, she said that critical reading is course which critic some text or etc.  She also explain, how about text? You can look around that many building, trees, and room, do you think they are  text? Yaps, they are text who there in our mind and someting which can we read is text.
                After exlpain abiut critical reading, the lecture move to some topic, he give ours some instance and we have to critic, why te sentence consist the that words. And for the  instance :
  “ Local Hero save the lady from the dog”
                We have to know that, when we look in the  sentence “ Local Hero save the lady from the dog” we know that  “Hero is have meaning somenone who Help, to sacrifice and Local has meaning is place we comefrom . Why the writers choose the word Local Hero? I think it’s because the man who help the lady is the man who life in his village and why the writers choose the senteces lady? Maybe the lady comes from the rich family, and she is the daughter from someone who work in government, ya i think like that.
                 We know that Mom deuis try to bring us critic on something, especially for the text that we read and Mom deuis also said someone who smarts is thinking before they accept something . After hear that, i’am so interesting about this course and wan to know how the ways to critic on something text without judge the text and i  Mom deuis also in next meeting  we will make discussion and i think its so interesting


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